Finding Drivers, Actors, & Nurses
Drivers, Actors, & Nurses (those being tracked) can be located directly by using the 'Drivers' selection box.
- If a driver is green he is clocked in and available for an order.
- If a driver is blue he is clocked in and has already been assigned an order.
- If a driver is red he is clocked out or logged out of the application.
Selecting a driver will highlight the driver's order on the map. It will show the driver, the restaurant and the destination.
Finding Orders
Orders can be located directly by using the 'Orders' selection box.
Clicking an order will highlight that order on the map. It will show the driver, the restaurant and the destination. The destination pins will change color according to the order status.
- Navy blue pins are for new orders and orders that are getting picked up.
- Light blue pins are for orders that have been picked up, already.
- Green pins are for orders that are available for tracking until they are complete.
Finding Locations
Selecting a location within the Locations selection box will highlight it on the map. A small box with information about the restaurant will appear next to it and indicate its position.