1. Make sure you are using either Safari or Google Chrome as your browser.
  2. Go to https://mmcschool.86borders.com/   (This is likely saved under your favorites)
  3. Sign in using your email as your user name and with the password you created.
  4. Upon login, you will be in the Screening Tool.
  5. Use the Search feature to pull up individuals. (We recommend using phone number)
  6. Check to make sure the individual has is “Approved for Screening”. If they are NOT approved for screening, let them know MMC has not cleared them to return to campus.
  7. For those Approved for screening, begin the screening process by clicking on the Form button to review the symptoms.    A picture containing knife

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  8. If they selected “Yes” to question 1. or are experiencing any symptoms mark them as fail by selecting the “X” next to the form.A picture containing knife

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  9. If they selected “No” to question 1. and do not have any symptoms, mark them as pass by selecting the “ Ö ” next to the form.A picture containing knife

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  10. If the individual passes the screening form, you can move on to the “Temp Screening.” A picture containing knife

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  11. Take the individual’s temperature.
    1.  If they are NOT within the acceptable threshold mark them as fail by selecting the “ X ” in the Temp Screening column.
      A picture containing knife

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    2. If they are within the acceptable threshold mark them as pass by selecting the “ Ö ” in the Temp Screening column. A picture containing knife

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  12. Repeat steps 5-11.