
The "Settings" tab is where you can set your Notification rules, your Reminders (if you have delivery windows defined), and other parameters like language, time-zone, and pick-up waiting time. These settings are categorized into three groups: Notifications, Reminders, and Other.


Here, you can customize the notifications that go out to customers. You can send out as little as one notification to as many as nine. Each notification can have different messages according to your preference. The notifications are triggered based on the geofence settings established in the Geofence tab.

The nine different statuses are: New, Accepted, Waiting, Enroute, Approaching, At Location, Delivered, Canceled, and Completed.

On the left side of the page you can set the Customer's message; on the right side you can set the Driver's message.

"Current Text" shows what the current message is.

"Supported Place Holders" tells you what those placeholder values are in the messages.

Setting Notifications

  1. Be on the 86EnRoute micro-app.
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab within the Admin Dashboard. Get there by clicking on the "Admin Dashboard" tab in the micro-app's black title bar and selecting the "Settings" tab below.

  3. Click on "Notifications" in the left sidebar to expand the list of statuses
  4. Pick the status you would like to edit. (This example uses the "New" status.)

  5. Set the message to "Send" or "Don't Send" using the radio buttons at the top.

    The notification will not go out if the geofence is disabled in the Map Settings (see Map Settings below).

  6. Input the desired status name in the "Status Label" input field.

  7. Define the message that will be displayed in the text boxes below "Change Text".

    Customers will receive their messages via SMS or PUSH, depending on the whether or not they've installed the app on their phone. You can set a different message for both cases using the "SMS" and "PUSH" boxes.

    Drivers will only receive PUSH notifications because they must have the app installed. (PUSH notifications are free.)

  8. Save the changes using the button in the bottom right corner.


Reminders is a feature that has to be enabled through integration. This means that you are integrated to our system through API and provide "Start" and "End" parameters in the POST sent to 86EnRoute. Basically, you have to provide a delivery window to us on the back end.

Setting Reminders

  1. Be on the 86EnRoute micro-app.
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab within the Admin Dashboard. Get there by clicking on the "Admin Dashboard" tab in the micro-app's black title bar and selecting the "Settings" tab below.

  3. Click on "Reminders" in the left sidebar to expand the list of Reminder time frames.
  4. Pick a Reminder you want to edit.

    "Before Delivery" messages will go out a set amount of time before the delivery is supposed to start.

    "During Delivery" messages will go out a set amount of time before the delivery is supposed to end.

  5. Check the checkbox at the top if you want the Reminder to go out, and it is supported.

  6. Use the selection box to pick when the message should be sent in relation to the provided time.

  7. Set the message for SMS and PUSH delivery protocols.

  8. Save your changes


Here, you can set the language, time zone, which geofences are enabled, and the average Waiting time.


Use the selection box to choose between Spanish and English. Don't forget to save.


Use the input field to change the Map time zone. The correct text values can be found here. Don't forget to save.

Note: Using the "Local time zone" button does not take into account daylight savings time. Be aware if you use this button.

Map Settings

Use the "Show map from" selection box to choose the status that starts showing the map.

Use the "Disable driver assignment after" selection box to choose the status that locks driver to the order preventing an order reassignment.

Use the "Geofence enabled for statuses" checkbox field to activate/deactivate specific geofences.

Don't forget to save your changes.

Important: If a geofence is disabled here, it will not provide any functionality to the other services that rely upon it.

Disabling a geofence could cause strange behavior if other configurations are not adjusted accordingly.


Use the "Pick-up Waiting Time" selection box to set the default Waiting time for when the driver is picking up a delivery. This helps with ETA estimation and is negated once the driver moves on from the "Waiting" status. Don't forget to save.