"Locations" are the waypoints used to establish particular notification messages as the driver is on the way to the customer. For example - in a food delivery setting - the restaurant would be the Location which establishes the GPS coordinates used to define when an alert is sent to the customer: "The food has been picked up."
In Logistics a Location would be a warehouse. "Your package is in the Atlanta."
In Food Delivery a Location would be a restaurant. "Your food has been picked up."
Adding a new location
- Be on the 86EnRoute micro-app.
- Go to the 'Locations' tab within the Admin Dashboard. Get there by clicking on the 'Admin Dashboard' tab in the micro-app's black title bar and selecting the 'Locations' tab below.
- Click 'Add New' in the upper left corner next to the search bar.
- For adding an Individual location make sure 'Individual (one Location)' is selected. Then enter the Location name, phone number, full address, and Location identifier.
- For adding locations in Bulk make sure 'Bulk (Many Locations)' is selected.
- Upload a properly formatted csv file.
Location identifiers are provided by the 3rd party ordering system and is necessary to integrate with our system.
Edit, Copy, or Delete a location
- Click on the list-menu icon on the right side of the Location you would like to Edit, Copy, or Delete.
- Click Edit, Copy, or Delete as you wish.
- Copy - will immediately copy that location.
- Edit - will provide a modal with that Locations information already present.
- Delete - will delete that Location upon confirmation.
- Make your edits and click 'Save' in the lower right corner.